- About
- Project
- Operation
- Media
- Announcement
- Reference Documents
- Contact
At every stage of the project, TANAP Doğalgaz İletim A.Ş. attaches great importance to the participation of the people living in the settlements directly affected by the Project activities and all other stakeholders, and as such, considers stakeholder participation in all project phases to be of primary importance.
TANAP has adopted an effective and stakeholder-inclusive approach for the establishment and maintenance of constructive relationships with all of its stakeholders. A Stakeholder Engagement Plan, detailing how TANAP will interact with its stakeholders, has been developed and is being reviewed and updated in accordance with current Project activities. All engagement works with stakeholders are carried out in accordance with this Plan.
The TANAP Project has established a Grievance Management Mechanism in the early phases of the Project through which communities and individuals affected by the project can communicate their concerns, expectations and complaints. All complaints and requests are registered and relevant parties are informed as appropriate.
Our e-mail address for complaints and requests: sikayet@tanap.com